Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well, Valentine's Day is almost here. I had a great time making cupcakes with Katy to share with her class. She also did everyone's Valentine's. She is getting pretty good at writing all the letters except "S" so our last name is still hard.

Mollie is just precious. She is getting closer to crawling. She will roll somewhere if she wants to get there. She does sometimes "inchworm" places, but not too often. She loves her big sister and smiles at her all the time. She is talking more and laughing. Her doorway jumper is one of her favorite things. She has learned how to swing back and forth in it.

Shawn is working around here for now, but on Monday he is going to Creston for three weeks and will be working 7 days a week. Yeah. Fun. He has a lot of projects he would like to get done at home, but he also loves spending time with his girls, so that makes it tricky.

I am busy at school. Mid-terms are due tomorrow. Oops! I would like to spend more time grading, but I am not that great at time management sometimes. I will be starting the research unit next week. I just got back from a trip to California for school. It was soo nice! I wore flip flops every day. The sun was so warm! It made coming home to cold Iowa very hard!

Well, that is all for today. I will try to learn how to put pics on here!! Right!

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